Our Practice in Hillsdale, MI

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Your Family’s Vision, Our Priority

Our team is always here for your family’s eye health and vision needs.

We strive to help your family with a range of vision needs. Whether you're coming in for a comprehensive eye exam or are interested in a fun new pair of glasses, our team will work with you to find a solution.

So, why wait? Book an appointment with us and discover what sets us apart.

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About Hillsdale Optometry

Dr. Amburgey and the entire staff at Hillsdale Optometry are thankful for the opportunity to take part in your family’s eye care needs. We recognize you have a choice for your eye care needs and are committed to exceeding all your expectations.

Meet Our Doctors


Dr. CW Amburgey


Dr. Bethany Russell

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Our Address

  • 43 S Howell St
  • Hillsdale, MI 49242

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Our Brands

We offer a wide selection of eyewear for all types of prescriptions. We want your glasses to provide you with clear vision, and our experienced team is happy to discuss your options.

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